Earlier in July we went to the Hill Cumorah Pageant in Palmyra, New York. It is only about five hours from Montreal so we did it in two days. It was a Youth trip but I came along because I teach seminary and we are doing Church History and the Docrtine and Covenants this year. We visited the Smith Homes, Sacred Grove and also the temple grounds during the day friday. Later that evening we went to the hill to wait for the Pageant to start. Here are some pictures from Friday.
The Smith frame home
Barns and other buildings
Into the Grove we go.
Some of my past and present seminary students.
The temperatures were hot and humid that day so it was cooler walking through the Sacred Grove.
Relaxing at the Temple.
The Hill
We found some seats and then Olivia, William and Dad climbed the hill for a different perspective.
They were hot and exhausted but they made it!!!
The pageant characters mingled with the crowd before the sun went down. The show couldn't start until it was dark. The costumes were awesome.
Olivia and William both enjoyed the show.
Very cool. That is a must do in a few years for our family. A family reunion/gathering would be great too. Let's make plans. :)