It's been a few weeks since I wrote anything on the blog and we have been really busy. We went to a Stake activity that was like an Autumn Carnival. They had lots of fun games and an Apple pie contest,(I came in fourth) and it finished with a potluck lunch including sweet corn that they provided. The pictures don't look that great because of the fluorescent lighting so next time we are going to have to figure out a different setting on the camera. Everyone looks kind of orange - like pumpkins!
Derek was asked to man one of the games.
William loves potlucks!
The following Saturday we went apple picking at Verger Coeur de Pomme with some friends. The apples were amazing,so delicious. I ate three whole apples while we were picking. The day was beautiful so the pictures turned out so lovely. No pumpkins here, except in the field.
Then finally last Saturday Olivia and I went on a Girl Guide Day camp at Wa-Thik-Ane in Morin Heights which is about an hour north of Montreal. Sadly, the weather was rainy but it didn't seem to dampen the girls' spirits. And there were over 200 girls there. I don't have too many pictures of Olivia because I was with my Brownies all day and she is now a Guide. But we were at archery together.
Beautiful autumn colors.
Those apples look huge! What are they using to grow those babies! We are going to head up to an apple orchard in a few weeks too. There is nothing better then fresh apple pie! Mmmmmmm...good!