Monday, April 6, 2009

Birthday Bash

It was my 13th birthday a little more than a week ago. It was a great day! I went to the temple that morning with the youth of my ward. It was a wonderful way to start my birthday. When I came home I relaxed had lunch and opened my gifts. The missionaries were over and that is how we got these pictures for my slide show. I loved all my presents and I have already finished reading the Warriors book I received from my brother Derek. The DS game, Mario Party is a great game. Olivia and I can play it together. She has a DS also. I have already beaten the game but it can be played many times over and be just as fun as the first time. I love shooting Olivia with my new Nerf Gun. It has a lot of fancy features and add ons. The Poptarts and Skittles were a tasty and fun treat. I look more fashionable with new T-shirts and shorts. Now if only the weather would cooperate. I'm ready for summer. Later that evening we went to Boston Pizza for dinner. Mmmm, it was so good. We had the Tuscan and the Meateor Pizza. My favorite was the Tuscan. Try it you'll like it. I had a great day to begin another great year.