Olivia has been saving her money for a while. She checks on two dogs in our neighborhood, Taffy and Riley. At first she wanted to buy a new DS but then she decided on a much better purchase.
A friend in our Church ward, Julie has been teaching Olivia guitar. Olivia had been telling me that she wanted to learn how to play the guitar. Julie was so kind to come over and share her talent with Olivia. Olivia was using her dad's larger guitar but her hands were too small to stretch and reach all the strings and frets. So Olivia decided that instead of the DS she would buy herself a new guitar - her size. She even got to pick the colour - Blue of course.
Olivia is doing great at guitar. She has a great memory for the chords and she is excited to learn from anyone. Even one of our missionaries, Elder Burris showed her how to pluck a primary tune. I think she is going to do great,she even loves to practice.
Another fun happening in Olivia's life was the Girl Guide Rally Day on May 15th. Here's a picture of her and some of the other Guides riding on the Montreal Metro.
This was a special event because it was celebrated in major cities all across Canada that day. Girl Guides is a 100 years old in Canada and we were going to celebrate. I had initially signed Olivia and myself up to attend the rally in Montreal but for some reason it did not get there before the deadline and we were not able to go. Olivia was so disappointed because her best friends Erin and Emily were going and some of the other guides from her unit too. She kept asking me that week "what are we going to do on Saturday? I'm going to be so bored!" Then Sue, (one of the guide leaders) phoned me, so excited, because two of the girls had backed out and we were in. We were so ecstatic!
The Rally was amazing they had all these locations in the city we could visit. We had transit passes and maps. Our girls chose China Town, The Old Port and the Redpath Museum on the McGill Campus. We had so much fun in China Town that we didn't have any time to do the scavenger hunt in the Old Port so we just ate our bag lunch and bought Beaver Tails. We kept running into other groups while we were walking around and travelling to our various destinations. The girls had a paper where they could cross off the groups that they met. We were Campfire #2 but we ran into tent, turtles, foxes and many others from all over Quebec. Sadly I don't have any pictures of us at the Old Port but here are some from the other places.
Taiwan Museum and Temple was so interesting.
Chinese Water Garden!
Redpath Museum - here we were so exhausted but we had all these fun things to find and search for it was a great time.
The final stop was the Ville Marie School. There we met up with lots of Guiders the room was full to the brim with Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders....etc. We had birthday cake, saw a fun fashion show of all the Canadian Guider uniforms and sang some campfire songs. Then it was one final metro ride back to our cars and meeting for pick up with the parents. Our feet may have been sore but our hearts were happy. It was a great day, one that we won't forget for a long time.